Out of Home (OOH) Ads in the #5 Metro Market During COVID-19

Out of Home (OOH) Ads in the #5 Metro Market During COVID-19

Out of Home (OOH) Ads in the #5 Metro Market During COVID-19

By Eric Diaz April 24, 2020 No Comments

Whether you reside in a major U.S. metropolitan area or not you have seen them. Anyone driving down the freeway during COVID-19 has likely encountered the newest out of home billboard ads, each bringing a personal touch from the advertiser. So what are these organizations hoping to achieve by placing billboards about coronavirus along the freeway of major metros nationwide? In this blog, we will breakdown our interpretation of what message each one of the advertisers is hoping will come across. Note: All ad images were taken in Phoenix, AZ, and are taken of digital billboards which makes them slightly pixelated.

Out of Home – OOH Ads During COVID-19 in Phoenix, AZ

ooh ads during covid-19

This Phoenix Suns Out of Home (OOH) advertisement is telling its followers to stay informed during this time. Obviously, there is an overflow of information, and trusted local companies such as this local professional basketball team are looking to share helpful guidance to their community.

Honoring Healthcare Workers

ooh ads during covid-19

This ad is one of our favorites due to its showing thanks to doctors, nurses, and all health workers who are putting themselves and their families at risk to keep their communities safe.

This second Phoenix Suns ad, also found in the same rotation, is also thanking healthcare workers, first responders, and everyone going the extra mile during this difficult time.

General Thankfulness

ooh ads during covid-19

This ad would be vague for any driver passing by. It is one of a series of ads expressing thankfulness. Another ad in the rotation says, “Thx PHX Pharmacy Staff” which is much more clear as thanking people for simply being Arizonans is difficult to interpret. Likely, the advertiser’s intention is to thank Arizonans in general for staying home and taking measures to stay safe.

Restrictions Announcements from Government Entities

ooh ads during covid-19

This ad looks to briefly inform people of what services will be closed or limited during the recent Easter holiday. The City of Phoenix went the extra mile by placing the ad both in English and Spanish within the rotation to inform their bilingual audience. Free translations for businesses that need coronavirus messaging can be obtained quickly and simply.

“Stay Safe – Listen to Us”

This ad from 550 KFYI News is aiming to drive people to listen to their news station to stay safe and informed during the pandemic. The drive for more listenership from the iHeart Media-owned news/talk radio station is a bit self-serving, but the message of staying informed is of course important.

OOH Ads During COVID-19

It is interesting to see how different organizations are adjusting their messaging but maintaining their out of home advertising slots during this time. If you want to read more about how brands are communicating to consumers during COVID-19, read our previous blog on how organizations are sharing their message digitally.