Racial Equality and Corporate Diversity: Are Businesses Walking the Talk?

Racial Equality and Corporate Diversity: Are Businesses Walking the Talk?

Racial Equality and Corporate Diversity: Are Businesses Walking the Talk?

By Eric Diaz August 5, 2020 No Comments

This past July 28, Eric Diaz, our cofounder of both Nativa Multicultural Communications and O.Y.E. Business Intelligence was interviewed for a discussion on the role racial equality and corporate diversity is taking in the Black Lives Matter movement. In the video below, join Becky Papp, principal of the Colman Consulting Group, as she interviews Eric about how brands are getting behind the social justice movement and specific steps businesses can take to turn good intentions into substantive support on racial equality.

Full Zoom Interview (55 minutes):

Recommended Racial Equality and Corporate Diversity Resources:

  1. AdAgehttps://adage.com/article/cmo-strategy/regularly-updated-blog-tracking-brands-responses-racial-injustice/2260291
  2. JustCapitalhttps://justcapital.com/news/notable-corporate-responses-to-the-george-floyd-protests/
  3. O.Y.E. Analysishttps://thenativa.qwilr.com/Multicultural-Analysis-of-the-Black-Lives-Matter-Movement-4cCV0YNSmCfj
  4. Pet to Threathttps://zora.medium.com/when-black-women-go-from-office-pet-to-office-threat-83bde710332e
  5. Collectivo Podcasthttps://open.spotify.com/episode/79MEMn23WX9D7cOcywZNe1
  6. Nativa Podcasthttps://open.spotify.com/episode/4Yvk8NLN7S0MJt21zVeYYo
  7. Nativa – How we Support BLMhttps://thenativa.com/blog/nativa-support-the-black-community/
  8. Ben and Jerrys – Justice Remixd https://www.benjerry.com/flavors/justice-remixd-ice-cream
  9. Diverse Suppliers – Advertising Industry: https://www.ana.net/miccontent/show/id/ii-diverse-supplier-resource-list

About Eric Diaz

Eric is well-known in the multicultural advertising community for his work in the marketing and technology industry. He is often interviewed on a local and national level for his opinions on current trends including Hispanic millennials, immigration, big data with multicultural audiences, and more.